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Main Board Epson EPSON LQ-590 , LQ-2090

21/12/2020 15:55 เมื่อ 21/12/2020 เข้าชม 60366 | ตอบ 2280
Main Board Epson EPSON LQ-590 , LQ-2090
  • ราคา : 1,300.00 ฿
  • ยี่ห้อ : epson
  • รุ่น : lq590
  • จำหน่าย อะไหล่ Main Board Epson EPSON LQ-590 , LQ-2090
    สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมที่ คุณคมกฤช สุทธิประภา
    โทร.                    02-946-7100 , 02-509-4281 , 086-838-6644 , 062-721-9941
    โทรสาร.               02-509-4282
    Line ID              : Kingvision
    facebook            : www.facebook.com/kingvisiontechnology
    facebook            : https://www.facebook.com/kingvisionsparepart
    Kaidee               : https://www.kaidee.com/member/listing/530066
    Pantip                : https://www.pantipmarket.com/ipage/kingvisionprint/
    e-mail                : kingvisiontechnology@yahoo.com
    หจก. คิงส์วิชันเทคโนโลยี่ 
    • จำหน่าย อะไหล่ ปริ้นเตอร์  มือหนึ่ง และมือสอง พร้อมบริการส่งต่างจังหวัด และมีบริการการเก็บเงินปลายทาง (COD ของ Kerry) 
    • รับบริการซ่อม Printer Fax Plotter UPS Monitor POS Computer Notebook พิมพ์ดีดไฟฟ้า เครื่องคิดเลขไฟฟ้า อุปกรณ์สำนักงาน
    • มั่นใจในการบริการโดยประสบการ โดยช่างผู้เชี่ยวชาญกว่า 20 ปี
    • สินค้ามีการรับประกัน ในกรณีสินค้ามีปัญหาสามารเปลี่ยนสินค้าชิ้นใหม่ได้
    • ราคาที่แสดงยังไม่รวมค่าจะสง ราคาการจัดส่งขี้นอยู่กับขนาด และบริษัทที่จัดส่ง 
    • ทางเราจะไม่รับประกันสินค้าในกรณี สติ๊กเกอร์รับประกันฉีกขาด
    • ทางเรายินดีให้คำปรึกษาในการสอบถามอาการเพื่อการใช้อะไหล่ที่ถูกต้อง
    • ไม่รับประกันสินค้ากรณีที่ลูกค้าเกิดการประมาท หรืออุบติเหตุอื่นๆที่เกิดจากการประมาทของลูกค้าเอง ( เช่น ไฟฟ้าช๊อตจากอุปกรณ์เดิม ไฟฟ้าลัดวงจร ลูกค้าทำสินค้าเสียหายเอง เป็นต้น )
    สินค้าไม่รวมค่าจัดส่ง ค่าจัดส่งขึ้นอยู่กับขนาด น้ำหนัก และผู้ให้บริการขนส่ง (กรุงเทพฯ และปริมลฑณส่งฟรี พร้อมติดตั้ง)


    เลขที่บัญชีสำหรับโอนเงิน ( หจก. คิงส์ วิชั่น เทคโนโลยี )
    ชื่อบัญชี นายคมกฤช สุทธิประภา 
    เลขที่บัญชี 720-244331-8
    ชื่อบัญชี นายคมกฤช สุทธิประภา
    สาขารามคำแหง 2 ประเภทบัญชีออมทรัพย์
    เลขที่บัญชี 154-2-33120-6
    ชื่อบัญชี หจก.คิงส์ วิชั่น เทคโนโลยี จำกัด
    สาขารามคำแหง 2 ประเภทบัญชีออมทรัพย์
    เลขที่บัญชี 154-2-22474-2
ความคิดเห็น :

PayPal works as an intermediary between you and a bank. A user adds a bank account or credit/debit card to the PayPal system and whenever they're making an online payment, they can select which account to debit Paypal Login All transactions are processed through PayPal, instead of your bank. When someone sends you money, you'll receive a notification via email and/or the PayPal app. The money is deposited into your PayPal account. In Paypal Login You can keep the money in your PayPal account to apply it toward future transactions or transfer it to your bank account.You don't need a bank account to sign up for Paypal Login or to receive payments. You can, however, connect your PayPal account to a bank account, a debit card or a credit card account for sending and receiving payments and transferring funds. PayPal is a highly secure financial service, backed with some of the best end-to-end encryption available. You should also make Paypal Login sure to enable two-factor authentication, and delete any unused bank accounts or email addresses. Even with all this security, remember that no online service is immune to hacking or theft.
tango [122.177.111.xxx] เมื่อ 13/09/2022 02:18

PayPal works as an intermediary between you and a bank. A user adds a bank account or credit/debit card to the PayPal system and whenever they're making an online payment, they can select which account to debit Paypal Login All transactions are processed through PayPal, instead of your bank. When someone sends you money, you'll receive a notification via email and/or the PayPal app. The money is deposited into your PayPal account. In Paypal Login You can keep the money in your PayPal account to apply it toward future transactions or transfer it to your bank account.You don't need a bank account to sign up for Paypal Login or to receive payments. You can, however, connect your PayPal account to a bank account, a debit card or a credit card account for sending and receiving payments and transferring funds. PayPal is a highly secure financial service, backed with some of the best end-to-end encryption available. You should also make Paypal Login sure to enable two-factor authentication, and delete any unused bank accounts or email addresses. Even with all this security, remember that no online service is immune to hacking or theft.
tango [122.177.111.xxx] เมื่อ 13/09/2022 02:18

PayPal works as an intermediary between you and a bank. A user adds a bank account or credit/debit card to the PayPal system and whenever they're making an online payment, they can select which account to debit Paypal Login All transactions are processed through PayPal, instead of your bank. When someone sends you money, you'll receive a notification via email and/or the PayPal app. The money is deposited into your PayPal account. In Paypal Login You can keep the money in your PayPal account to apply it toward future transactions or transfer it to your bank account.You don't need a bank account to sign up for Paypal Login or to receive payments. You can, however, connect your PayPal account to a bank account, a debit card or a credit card account for sending and receiving payments and transferring funds. PayPal is a highly secure financial service, backed with some of the best end-to-end encryption available. You should also make Paypal Login sure to enable two-factor authentication, and delete any unused bank accounts or email addresses. Even with all this security, remember that no online service is immune to hacking or theft.
tango [122.177.111.xxx] เมื่อ 13/09/2022 02:18

PayPal works as an intermediary between you and a bank. A user adds a bank account or credit/debit card to the PayPal system and whenever they're making an online payment, they can select which account to debit Paypal Login All transactions are processed through PayPal, instead of your bank. When someone sends you money, you'll receive a notification via email and/or the PayPal app. The money is deposited into your PayPal account. In Paypal Login You can keep the money in your PayPal account to apply it toward future transactions or transfer it to your bank account.You don't need a bank account to sign up for Paypal Login or to receive payments. You can, however, connect your PayPal account to a bank account, a debit card or a credit card account for sending and receiving payments and transferring funds. PayPal is a highly secure financial service, backed with some of the best end-to-end encryption available. You should also make Paypal Login sure to enable two-factor authentication, and delete any unused bank accounts or email addresses. Even with all this security, remember that no online service is immune to hacking or theft.
tango [122.177.111.xxx] เมื่อ 13/09/2022 02:18

PayPal works as an intermediary between you and a bank. A user adds a bank account or credit/debit card to the PayPal system and whenever they're making an online payment, they can select which account to debit Paypal Login All transactions are processed through PayPal, instead of your bank. When someone sends you money, you'll receive a notification via email and/or the PayPal app. The money is deposited into your PayPal account. In Paypal Login You can keep the money in your PayPal account to apply it toward future transactions or transfer it to your bank account.You don't need a bank account to sign up for Paypal Login or to receive payments. You can, however, connect your PayPal account to a bank account, a debit card or a credit card account for sending and receiving payments and transferring funds. PayPal is a highly secure financial service, backed with some of the best end-to-end encryption available. You should also make Paypal Login sure to enable two-factor authentication, and delete any unused bank accounts or email addresses. Even with all this security, remember that no online service is immune to hacking or theft.
tango [122.177.111.xxx] เมื่อ 13/09/2022 02:18

PayPal works as an intermediary between you and a bank. A user adds a bank account or credit/debit card to the PayPal system and whenever they're making an online payment, they can select which account to debit Paypal Login All transactions are processed through PayPal, instead of your bank. When someone sends you money, you'll receive a notification via email and/or the PayPal app. The money is deposited into your PayPal account. In Paypal Login You can keep the money in your PayPal account to apply it toward future transactions or transfer it to your bank account.You don't need a bank account to sign up for Paypal Login or to receive payments. You can, however, connect your PayPal account to a bank account, a debit card or a credit card account for sending and receiving payments and transferring funds. PayPal is a highly secure financial service, backed with some of the best end-to-end encryption available. You should also make Paypal Login sure to enable two-factor authentication, and delete any unused bank accounts or email addresses. Even with all this security, remember that no online service is immune to hacking or theft.
tango [122.177.111.xxx] เมื่อ 13/09/2022 02:18

PayPal works as an intermediary between you and a bank. A user adds a bank account or credit/debit card to the PayPal system and whenever they're making an online payment, they can select which account to debit Paypal Login All transactions are processed through PayPal, instead of your bank. When someone sends you money, you'll receive a notification via email and/or the PayPal app. The money is deposited into your PayPal account. In Paypal Login You can keep the money in your PayPal account to apply it toward future transactions or transfer it to your bank account.You don't need a bank account to sign up for Paypal Login or to receive payments. You can, however, connect your PayPal account to a bank account, a debit card or a credit card account for sending and receiving payments and transferring funds. PayPal is a highly secure financial service, backed with some of the best end-to-end encryption available. You should also make Paypal Login sure to enable two-factor authentication, and delete any unused bank accounts or email addresses. Even with all this security, remember that no online service is immune to hacking or theft.
tango [122.177.111.xxx] เมื่อ 13/09/2022 02:18

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stveevmarkle [203.122.57.xxx] เมื่อ 13/09/2022 11:47

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mariya jones
PayPal log in is an online service that provides a convenient way to transfer money. You can send and receive money online for products and services
mariya jones [180.151.82.xxx] เมื่อ 14/09/2022 11:05

Metamask Sign In: A Best crypto wallet & gateway to blockchain apps · Get into the MetaMask browser extension. Metamask Sign In | coinbase wallet |
stveevmarkle [203.122.57.xxx] เมื่อ 14/09/2022 11:55

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stveevmarkle [203.122.57.xxx] เมื่อ 14/09/2022 11:59

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thomas clark [203.122.57.xxx] เมื่อ 14/09/2022 13:22

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Cash App Login [103.179.109.xxx] เมื่อ 14/09/2022 13:41
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